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Q&A :p befor i begin my fan fiction

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:43 pm
by Heres a Hint
hi guys first of all ive got the concept down but ive got a few quistions befor i start wrriting it hope you dont mind if against the rules please acept my apoligies

well actully just one big qustion to be honest

one of my charecters is a original creation but iam planing on wrriting her to hate her female body would this afend people cause thats the last thing i want to do and i just want to make sure iam not breaking any rules or anything i know its implyed with firestar in robots in disguise ( the personality ticks story ) but would it be wrong to create something like that for my fan fic and post it here again dont want to hurt anyone

thanks in advance

Re: Q&A :p befor i begin my fan fiction

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 8:22 pm
by Stormtalon
I don't think I can answer the question, but I will ask this.

How central is this to story? How central is the character to the story? Is it worth the effort you will put into it.

Re: Q&A :p befor i begin my fan fiction

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:46 pm
by Heres a Hint
shes one of the main decepticons and slipstreams sister when i say hate her body ( sorry was really tired when i wrote the op ) i meant she hates being female my plan is that somewhere down the line she becomes well lets put it this way shes a bit fo a scream ;) all iam going to say at the moment

this is my take on the war with some new charecters and my ideas for what happens to them so yea very essential heres her profile

name stagnetta

alliance decepticon

rank assaian,warrior

weapons antler blades , internal freeze/heat gun

alt,mode stag


one of megatrons prized warrior she once cut a hundrad autobots with one slice in 5 seconds thats how impresive she is to megatron but she is also megs punching bag so much so that she wonders why slipstream her sister gets the benifit treatment her hate for autobots is only suppased by her hatred for female form in wich she conceders it a weakness in her own mind that is

thats about as far as i got so far dont really want to go in to spoiler stuff lol

Re: Q&A :p befor i begin my fan fiction

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:17 am
by snavej
You really need help with spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.

Re: Q&A :p befor i begin my fan fiction

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 4:50 pm
by Sunstar
find someone, first of all, to aid you with grammar and whatnot. I still struggle with it, but there are often people willing to help, if you are willing to learn. I used to be horrid in both aspects, now I am just crappy but not terrifying.

As for your concept, here are my thoughts.

As a person who writes a lot of fan fiction, I have a lot of OC's myself. What I do is I ignore what other people generally thing (outside the spell checks/grammar checks and write whatever the hell I want to. As far as I am concerned writing should be about what you want to read.

Truth be told, there will be people who will find it offensive. I find slash offensive, but I don't go reading slash fics - nor do I write them. But people who write these likely write for themselves, and for those who share the same mindset.

If you really want to write out this concept, go for it. Dig in, work at it. Take only constructive criticism and ignore the destructive. People who offer destructive crit, as far as I am concerned, are not worth bothering with.

As for improving your spelling, I always run a spell checker, I also google words, google word meaning, use online dictionaries or thesaurus. I pay attention to what the spell checker suggests and attempt to correct it in future.

Grammar is trickier. There are all manner of rules, but I have a few people who have been willing to explain the whys of their edit suggestions - and I have learned much from these wonderful patient people.

Fun thing: I went back to a fan fic I wrote in high school. It was an Airwolf fic... it truely is an embarrassing read. I am still not perfect - but I am much improved.

So write your story, find someone you can trust to aid you in your editing.

Good Luck!