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Wait for Home Video Prime....

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:21 am
by SamYarbrough77
Michael Bay Overshadows the IP
After DOTM, I realized the paint by numbers plots were too similar
I feel like we suffer the too much human element the same happens in Godzilla films
I dare say these films are tarnishing my fond memories.
I saw the 1st 3 in theaters. 1st is excellent and pretty damn faithful. Dinobots looking disgusting btw. It almost looks like Shrek at this point with the cgi
Let the IP rest for 5 years and get a new crew
Anyone feel me?!

Re: Wait for Home Video Prime....

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:34 am
by SlyTF1
SamYarbrough77 wrote:Michael Bay Overshadows the IP
After DOTM, I realized the paint by numbers plots were too similar
I feel like we suffer the too much human element the same happens in Godzilla films
I dare say these films are tarnishing my fond memories.
I saw the 1st 3 in theaters. 1st is excellent and pretty damn faithful. Dinobots looking disgusting btw. It almost looks like Shrek at this point with the cgi
Let the IP rest for 5 years and get a new crew
Anyone feel me?!


Re: Wait for Home Video Prime....

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:13 pm
by Dagon
If I can give something of a more thought out answer than to just dismiss the topic....

As far as the waiting five years part, I do agree with that. I'm not a fan of the movieverse, but that I don't believe really factors in to my answer.
I think that the overall Transformers formula is much too similar to roll out every two or three years; each of the three films does have the same basic plot of bad guy can't be allowed to get super item X. This is a pretty standard trope of all this type of fiction, so it's not like it's a bad thing that the TF universe uses it, regardless of that universe's medium.
Too many installments of any movie franchise tires out the general public; look at Saw, Fast & the Furious, PAranormal Activity, etc. etc. Too many movies that are essentially the same.
We've been chided repeatedly that the TF movies are for that same general public and not necessarily for us as a fandom. If we as a fandom don't have a unified front in terms of liking the movies and being positive about the release of each subsequent one, how can the general public be expected to? We've got a personal love of characters and story as pertains to the TF movies, the casual movie goer may not.
I think a longer time between TF movies is not a bad thing. You don't burn out the public on them, and as we're always told when we don't like a new TF movie, it's not us that the brand cares about, but the casual. So, if the casuals stop going, we fans certainly won't be able to support the new movies by ourselves to the degree that will make corporate continue to fund them.
I don't care about a 'new crew' at this point, because it's fairly apparent to me that these movies are just not going to try to work in a good story. But I'm apparently one of those strange types that doesn't need a human character to 'relate' to a fictional story. The movies are what they are to each of us, and after three movies, I doubt that too many of us will experience any type of seismic shift in the way we view the movieverse after another one comes out.
The movies don't tarnish my fond view of the franchise, mainly because there is still decent fiction in the franchise that I can enjoy if I don't like what's going on in the movies.

Re: Wait for Home Video Prime....

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:57 pm
by SamYarbrough77
Well said, liked the super item x bit. Megatron was misused too, pretty bad I think. I remember him saying I bow to no one In a famous line. Yes I will forever love TF, I just set the bar very low for the movieverse. I do respectfully disagree and believe maybe someone can "Christopher Nolan" It, though. I agree about not needing humans to relate. Yup we as fans can't get a sequel if that was true the Sega Dreamcast people would have Shenmue 3. Yes 5 years or more, don't wear out your welcome and risk franchise fatigue with similar thin plots. I think Warner Bros is treading thin with Batman so soon after a trilogy with a polarizing choice as actor, It most certainly helped that Bats was shelved for 8 years before 2005. I will hopefully catch this in theaters. My Goal is Godzilla TF4 and something I'm already missing my Sacred Robocop remake
BTW I love HP Lovecraft haha nice name