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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:02 pm
by Cyberstrike
Ryan did say if the Transformers will be playing at Imax theaters?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:13 pm
by City Commander
Cool. Looks like the movie seems to be shaping up nicely. With any look, it'll be a hit, and then tfs will be in any and every toy shop out there!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:33 pm
by Insurgent
Sounds like it's gonna be like I had on my sig when the movie designs were first shown:

"The movie designs look terrible. They do not look like Transformers. However, that does not mean the movie will be rubbish. The action scenes and the plot will be awesome"

or words to that effect. Although I must admit, seeing the finished designs on screen, they do look alot better than when I first saw them (I'm even starting to like some of them). Can't wait for this movie. Thanks for the review Seibs, and laying my concerns to rest.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:56 pm
by Switchpoint
Is it July yet? *waits impatiently*

Re:'s review of the Transformers Movie sneak peek event

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:03 pm
by Faceful of Kitchen
crap! i actually choose to post in the movie section (something i recently decided will be a rare occurence from now on), and it erases my long, carefully worded post! i'm not rewriting all that, so here's a summary:

i hated the cliche-riddled leaked script, and very little seems to have changed. i hated armageddon, and id4 is something i'd describe as "amusingly mediocre." it's mildly entertaining, i suppose, but really best used as something to put on in the background and sort of half watch while also focusing on something else. certainly not something worth paying around $7 (average matinee price around here) to see in theaters. all-in-all, i greatly appreciate this review, as the detailed reasons ryan gave for loving it assured me that i wouldn't.

damn, that sounds much more antagonistic than my original post, but i really don't mean it that way. basically, i dislike mindless summer blockbusters, as it tends to get boring pretty fast when the primary thing a movie focuses on is the special effects. i need some sort of compelling story and/or characters to hold my interest, something i felt the leaked script was utterly lacking in. this review confirms my fears about it. that doesn't mean it was a bad review; it was a damn good one, because in addition to final verdict it gives the reasons, which lets the readers come to their own conclusion based on more than simply "ryan liked it." it just so happens that in this case my tastes differ from his.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:11 pm
by Wolfguard
Optimus Convoy wrote:So, now the main person who spearheaded the hate towards Michael Bay and this movie has changed his mind and approves of it, does that mean everyone else suddenly likes it too?

I don't think it has anything to do with that. As someone stated, he didn't see the whole movie, just clips, but the fact that someone who was a nay-sayer was inspired to open themselves up to possibly enjoying what they saw (and apparently did,) IS the point of the review. None of us can really ojectively review a movie we haven't seen, nor is comparing it to ID4 or Armageddon translating as "it's the same exact thing."

I plan on seeing the movie. I'm either going to like it, think it's OK, or dislike it. The way I see it now is no matter the outcome, in the grand sceme, I know I have to experience it before I can give a truly objective opinion on whether it's good or not. No one is making that choice for me either; the decision is mine - 100%.


PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 2:25 pm
by SeekerInAFakeMoustache
Faceful of Kitchen wrote:crap! i actually choose to post in the movie section (something i recently decided will be a rare occurence from now on), and it erases my long, carefully worded post!

LOL, that just happened to me, too! My summary:

It always dampens my enthusiasm for a film to hear it described as an amalgamation of other movies, especially if it's the first in a franchise and really needs to be doing its own thing (EDIT: obviously it needs elements from the source material if it's an adaption, but it needs to make itself stand out from other films in the same genre). But is this going to be ID4/Armageddon as "lasers and explosions" or ID4/Armageddon as "one great big PSA disguised as a movie?" I can enjoy the former, but have a dangerously low tolerance for the latter.

Even so, thanks for the detailed review, Seibertron. More info is always appreciated, and it looks like a lot of effort went into it.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:10 pm
by LuckytheWonderLlama
Great review. All I have to say about it and your conclusions is "Duh!"

There are those of us that have been saying the same thing from the very begining, with the whole "open mind" thing. And I'm a Die Hard Fan!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:57 pm
by SoulOfPrimus
Great Review, Amazing Presentation! Kudos

Here, these are for you... (Give's Ryan a pair of Brass Balls) Did Brian Goldner kind of smirk at you and walk away? You know that 'You're an Ass' look?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:06 pm
by Grimshock
Sounds like a great sci-fi movie. Now, if only someone would make equally as great a TF movie ...

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:15 pm
by Breeze
This may sound odd...but...Brian...

You are AWESOME!!!!

"Baby Come Back" as Mikaela leaves? Well, now I know for sure its gonna be funny.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:57 pm
by Transtopias Rodimus Prime
1bigray wrote:
I'm not trolling at all. All I do is state my opinion in a topic, and someone tells me to "Chill" or "Stop hating". I have no intention to troll, nor have I been. I just won't take those comments sitting down.

Do you type standing up? That must be hell on the knees.

AhhhHahahahahahahahah! :grin: :sad: :lol: :sad:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:52 pm
by NightFall
Oh thanks so much, Seibertron, you lifted my spirits up about this film. I knew it had to have something more. Too bad, I can't say the same for the horrid designs for Starscream's bugger monkey face or Megatron, but I'm diffinely more excited to see the movie! :)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:30 pm
by Jetfire Masta
I'm kind of like Seibs, not too keen on the way some of the Transformers look, but will still support this movie nonetheless because it's TRANSFORMERS!

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 7:52 pm
by Autobobby1
Shadowman wrote:
Grimshock wrote:Sounds like a great sci-fi movie. Now, if only someone would make equally as great a TF movie ...

Wow. That comment is old, unclever, and not funny.

Please, stop saying it over and over.


And not many people that bash the movie realize several things:
A) They don't realize that it is an unfinished movie which they have not seen.

and B) Would you rather have a movie that's different from G1 or no movie at all? I'd rather have a movie. Hell, there wasn't a very big chance we'd get a movie, so we should feel lucky.

I also hope that this movie has some comedy parts. If a movie has action, a good story, character development, fair special effects (if any), and some comedy parts, then I'll love it.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:29 pm
by Riotflea
The action seems very similar to Indepence Day (ID4 - Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum). ID4 is one of my all-time favorite movies...


If you're a fan that is really against this movie, all that I ask is that you see the movie at least once with an open mind.

I and others surely will.
Luckily though, thanks to the age of technology we have today, one does not need to pay or get hosed first to give a movie a chance.
Download first, support later.

Despite your reference to ID4 being one of your favorite movies (not that the graphics weren't temporarily entertaining, back when such graphics were unique), your review does fill me with hope.

Would you rather have a movie that's different from G1 or no movie at all?

None. This movie could be all sorts of kickass but still feel "wrong" in the long run to G1 fans like myself.
My take currently is "Oh well, it'll bring money to the franchise which will lead to better products later". But truly love it or wish it happened, not really.
I mean, I'm not an idiot. I know the world runs on money, but... it could have been a much more faithful attempt.

Still, who cares. It'll come, make some profit, maybe spew off a sequel or two, then go away, leaving Hasbro a lil' richer. No biggie.

One could cry for ages about it not being true G1, but the OTHER nice thing about technology is CGI will come down in price, leading to FANS doing the movie they wanted years from now.


PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:08 pm
by derob
Riotflea wrote:
The action seems very similar to Indepence Day (ID4 - Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum). ID4 is one of my all-time favorite movies...


If you're a fan that is really against this movie, all that I ask is that you see the movie at least once with an open mind.

I and others surely will.
Luckily though, thanks to the age of technology we have today, one does not need to pay or get hosed first to give a movie a chance.
Download first, support later.

Despite your reference to ID4 being one of your favorite movies (not that the graphics weren't temporarily entertaining, back when such graphics were unique), your review does fill me with hope.

Would you rather have a movie that's different from G1 or no movie at all?

None. This movie could be all sorts of kickass but still feel "wrong" in the long run to G1 fans like myself.
My take currently is "Oh well, it'll bring money to the franchise which will lead to better products later". But truly love it or wish it happened, not really.
I mean, I'm not an idiot. I know the world runs on money, but... it could have been a much more faithful attempt.

Still, who cares. It'll come, make some profit, maybe spew off a sequel or two, then go away, leaving Hasbro a lil' richer. No biggie.

One could cry for ages about it not being true G1, but the OTHER nice thing about technology is CGI will come down in price, leading to FANS doing the movie they wanted years from now.


"transformers begins" :grin:

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:40 pm
by AbsumZer0
Autobobby1 wrote:B) Would you rather have a movie that's different from G1 or no movie at all? I'd rather have a movie. Hell, there wasn't a very big chance we'd get a movie, so we should feel lucky.

I would have been content with either a derivitive summer popcorn flick that was faithful to the G1 backstory and had recognisable characters and nods to fans or a non-G1 film with a compelling sci-fi script and a solid cast. Being what it is I can't claim that I wouldn't want the film not to exist because I'm sure there are plenty of people who enjoy that sort of thing. However, if after seeing the leaks it were to have been scrapped during production, I personally wouldn't have been upset.

Unless my girlfriend cheats on me there isn't much chance I'll catch herpes either, but I don't see why I should consider myself lucky if I do.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:44 pm
by Faceful of Kitchen
Autobobby1 wrote:And not many people that bash the movie realize several things:
A) They don't realize that it is an unfinished movie which they have not seen.

i'm pretty sure everyone realizes that. there's a lot of information about this movie out there, and most fans are smart enough to look at it and decide for themselves whether or not it appeals to their tastes. don't assume ignorance on their part just because their verdict differs from yours.

look at it this way: think of all the movie previews you've ever seen and dismissed because the movie didn't look like your kind of film. were you wrong to decide that you weren't interested without having payed for and sat through the movie? well, in this case we've seen a hell of a lot more than just a trailer.

Autobobby1 wrote:and B) Would you rather have a movie that's different from G1 or no movie at all? I'd rather have a movie. Hell, there wasn't a very big chance we'd get a movie, so we should feel lucky.

personally, i'd rather have no movie than this movie, if only to avoid having to explain over and over ad nauseum why i'm not interested in it to everyone who knows i'm a tf fan (which a hell of a lot of people). i can't even count the number of conversations i've had that began with the other person asking me the ever-irritating question "did you hear they're making a transformers movie?" as if they were imparting upon me some amazing new information (my standard response is a mock-enthusiastic "oh yeah, i just heard about that a couple of years ago!"). it's gotten to the point where i'm considering writing and printing up pamphlets explaining why i'm not planning to see the movie so i can just hand them out to people who try to start that conversation.

and, to me at least, it's not about accuracy to g1 or any other series. from everything i've seen, up to and including the leaked script that seems to be pretty damn close to the shooting script, this movie represents neither what i like about tfs nor what i like about movies. i don't plan on paying to see it for the same reason i didn't buy any of the animorphs toys; regardless of whether or not it has the tf brand name haphazardly slapped on top of it, it simply doesn't interest me at all.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:02 pm
by AbsumZer0
Faceful of Kitchen wrote:look at it this way: think of all the movie previews you've ever seen and dismissed because the movie didn't look like your kind of film. were you wrong to decide that you weren't interested without having payed for and sat through the movie? well, in this case we've seen a hell of a lot more than just a trailer.

Seriously. The only film I decided against seeing in theaters after the trailer only to regret it later was Donnie Darko. That's because it was cynically marketed as a horror flick as opposed to the complex sci-fi/black comedy/drama that it was.

The opposite has happened to me at least a dozen times. The point of a trailer is to draw people into a film using the choicest bits and pieces of the film. It's a hell of a lot more likely that a trailer will draw people into a film and leave them disappointed than it will persuade them not to see a really great film.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:07 pm
by Riotflea
Faceful of Kitchen wrote: it's gotten to the point where i'm considering writing and printing up pamphlets explaining why i'm not planning to see the movie so i can just hand them out to people who try to start that conversation.

and, to me at least, it's not about accuracy to g1 or any other series. from everything i've seen, up to and including the leaked script that seems to be pretty damn close to the shooting script, this movie represents neither what i like about tfs nor what i like about movies.

That's the best way to put it.
I too have gotten into it with friends who often try to end the argument with "Oh, you just don't like it because it's not G1, you geewhunner!"

But that's not it. The plethora of data so far indicates Godzilla 98 or Independence Day.
(Temporarily) entertaining graphics, but contained inside an otherwise crappy movie with a bunch of normal crappy people "acting" with a bunch of suppoosedly "funny" pop culture jokes and...whoof, you get the idea.

A quick buck maker, but no lasting soul.
No character, man...

Imagine what this movie could've been. Wow... it's a thought whose success would've been hard to even imagine.

It fails being G1 and seems like it'll fail as a good movie, despite however many get initially suckered in by the inevitable media blitz as seen with Godzilla and ID4.

But as I always say, the internet has changed at least the one point that you must first pay "just to see if it sucks".

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:16 pm
by Nemesis_Apoc
As if I needed any more reason to tear my own hair out in anticipation of this movie

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:11 pm
by Seibertron
Riotflea wrote:It fails being G1 and seems like it'll fail as a good movie, despite however many get initially suckered in by the inevitable media blitz as seen with Godzilla and ID4.

Last I checked, Indepence Day was a very successfuly movie. It's ranked #22 on the all-time highest grossing movies list.

Godzilla doesn't even show up on the list. If Transformers can hold a candle to the success of ID4, it will be a great thing.

EDIT: Godzilla does show up on IMDB's list at #126:

EDIT2: I just realized that the first list that I linked spans over 26 pages so maybe Godzilla appears on one of the later lists. I'll take Transformers doing as well as ID4 to get in the top 25 of all time. That'd make me a very happy Transformers website owner.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:32 pm
by DetectiveFork
Your review of the the scenes you saw reflects the script, in my mind. And that means I'm not going to see it. I don't like the designs or the ways the characters are handled and I'd rather not be annoyed and support the film by seeing it even once in the theater. If you dig it, I'm happy for you.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:50 am
by Riotflea
Seibertron wrote:
Last I checked, Indepence Day was a very successfuly movie. It's ranked #22 on the all-time highest grossing movies list.

EDIT: Godzilla does show up on IMDB's list at #126:

EDIT2: I just realized that the first list that I linked spans over 26 pages so maybe Godzilla appears on one of the later lists. I'll take Transformers doing as well as ID4 to get in the top 25 of all time. That'd make me a very happy Transformers website owner.

Oh, it'll make money, sure. It's a summer film with a title that carries heavy name recognition. And remember the super hyper omega DX media blitz, with both those franchises having advertising plastered everywhere? This movie'll probably get that too.

But it doesn't mean a movie is "good" because it makes alot of money.
Godzilla was an embarrassment of a movie on many levels.
ID4 is looked at as "corny", especially so now, since being an American "patriot" has recently been turned into something that makes a good deal of people feel silly these days. Honestly, ID4 was cheesier propaganda than those "Join the Marines!" ads. Made alot of money, but not what one should be calling "good".

But like you said, it is what it is.
Only to me, it's more a bunch of CGI gobbledygook that just happens to be in the form of transforming robots, instead of wizard kids flying on broomsticks (Harry Potter)or a guy in tights climbing a skyscraper (Spiderman).
It needs more than that to be something special, y'know?
The "humor" and alot of the other stuff doesn't do that for alot of people.

Still, your review does indicate it will at least give Hasbro some decent cash flow, so it's definitely acceptable on that level.