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Flame Toys Models found on sale!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 1:48 am
by X3ROhour
I don't know how you all feel about Hobby Lobby.
It's a touchy subject for some.
Google it.

I am working on a project
and the only place in town that has what I need...
Hobby Lobby.

So while there,
I noticed that a huge number of items are on sale.
40 - 60% off!

Pretty cool.

Then my Plastic Crack senses started tingling!

I found myself in a sort of "Toy Section"
They have a butt-ton of model kits
In every genre!

But I have never heard tell of Flame Toys being sold at Lobby,
But there they were:

50 Something bucks!
50% OFF!


I lost the receipt somewhere
or otherwise I would show you!

But go, my Transfriends!
Go, and see to yourselves!

I didn't know where else to put this
So if the admins choose to move it to its proper place
Feel free.

Re: Flame Toys Models found on sale!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:23 pm
by X3ROhour