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25 years of the ATB Brazil website

PostPosted: Tue Feb 06, 2024 7:26 am
by Galvamaximus

On 02/06/1999, exactly 25 YEARS ago, the ALIANÇA TRANSFORMERS BRASIL (ATB) website was created, which for many years was the main source of information about Transformers in Brazil. In addition to content about the series, toys, comics and everything related to the franchise, it was a very important space to bring together fans from all parts of the country, maintaining a discussion forum, publicizing events and promoting cultural contests in which fans could express all their creativity through fanarts, fanfics, comics, photographs and dioramas. It hasn't received updates since 2014, but it remains online as a fundamental collection that preserves the history of all of us, Transformers fans. An initiative that deserves our applause and full support! :)