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Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 4:55 pm
by Savage
People ask me all the time "So, do you think maybe this has something to do with you liking Transformers much?" like they're the first person to notice the irony. I always reply "Of course, I'm more than meets the eye!"

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:42 am
by Va'al

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 2:25 pm
by galvatron00
Good reads here kids :-D

Freedom, in any way/shape/form, IS the right of all sentient beings! I'm glad this thread exists, and I'm happily reading all of the stories.

Straight guy here who married the most beautiful gal in the world, and who's been lucky enough to become a father to the most beautiful baby girl in the world ;) . As a parent all I want for my baby girl is to be happy and to be herself. That's the best thing a parent can do for their children. I want her to understand that we are all part of the human race and that our individuality makes us special, however you want to read into that. I'll love her no matter what, as long as she grows up to be herself. And I'll help her along the way in any way that I can.

It's been said people fear what they don't understand. I feel that if everyone got out of their own way and honestly lived with love for people as people, there wouldn't be nearly as much fear and far more understanding.

Great things will happen.

TL:DR? You're all loved. Just by being yourself.

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 8:00 pm
by Seibertron
In celebration of pride week in many cities around the country, I reposted the #tillallareone header image on the homepage again. :D

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:13 am
by Va'al

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 4:10 pm
by Joetx
I am an LGBT TF fan (G, to be specific). I rarely post a comment in the various forums, though. However, I do check every day for TF news.

Today, I saw a post showing images of some new Titan Masters products. As someone who has followed TFs since as a kid in the '80s, I had a sense of deja vu b/c I thought that some of the recent products have gone down in quality, which plagued G1 in the later years. I wanted to see if anyone else had the same thoughts, but was delighted to find this thread instead.

Last week, 49 people died in Orlando at a place they thought to be a safe place where people like themselves to gather. I'm glad that provides a similar place, fortunately w/o the possibility of losing your life.

Thanks for starting this thread.

'Til all are one.

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:26 pm
by Autobot N
As if the Orlando tragedy wasn't bad enough, now the Westboro Cult (as a Baptist myself, I refuse to call that group of schmucks a "church") has to go and protest a funeral for the victims. Then the Internet sees it and most of it will likely make the assumption that all Christians are like that.

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:00 pm
by Ironhidensh
Autobot N wrote:As if the Orlando tragedy wasn't bad enough, now the Westboro Cult (as a Baptist myself, I refuse to call that group of schmucks a "church") has to go and protest a funeral for the victims. Then the Internet sees it and most of it will likely make the assumption that all Christians are like that.

I took hope from that. Hope from seeing the legions of Orlandoidians from every walk of life literally link arms and protect that family from those creatures.

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:02 pm
by Autobot N
Ironhidensh wrote:
Autobot N wrote:As if the Orlando tragedy wasn't bad enough, now the Westboro Cult (as a Baptist myself, I refuse to call that group of schmucks a "church") has to go and protest a funeral for the victims. Then the Internet sees it and most of it will likely make the assumption that all Christians are like that.

I took hope from that. Hope from seeing the legions of Orlandoidians from every walk of life literally link arms and protect that family from those creatures.
That was pretty cool, yeah.

Also, your post is insulting to creatures, comparing them to that group of nutjobs.

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 10:00 pm
by Burn
Autobot N wrote:
Ironhidensh wrote:
Autobot N wrote:As if the Orlando tragedy wasn't bad enough, now the Westboro Cult (as a Baptist myself, I refuse to call that group of schmucks a "church") has to go and protest a funeral for the victims. Then the Internet sees it and most of it will likely make the assumption that all Christians are like that.

I took hope from that. Hope from seeing the legions of Orlandoidians from every walk of life literally link arms and protect that family from those creatures.
That was pretty cool, yeah.

Also, your post is insulting to creatures, comparing them to that group of nutjobs.

Youre post is offensive to nutjobs.

Honestly ... they're known worldwide and deplored just as much.

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:45 am
by WreckerJack
I would suggest making a TF called nutjob, but it would probably be offensive for more than one reason.

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 2:09 pm
by Delicon
WreckerJack wrote:I would suggest making a TF called nutjob, but it would probably be offensive for more than one reason.

You never heard of Erector?

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:08 am
by Evil Eye
I'm a bi guy myself and I've got nothing against GBLT people, but I must be honest I've never been keen on the whole "pride" thing. It always seems to bring out the worst in everyone, on both sides. Myself I've always thought that who you want to combine with is your own business, and not something to be especially "proud" of, regardless of your orientation. And the less said about pride parades the better (I've never been to one myself but I know people who have, and the horror stories are best not repeated here).

(I'd totally be down for a drag queen/trap Transformer though.)

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:18 am
by D-Maximal_Primal
This is a cool thread and I'm happy for all you guys.

I'm among that group that is straight and church-going, but I do have the utmost respect for you guys. I have a few friends who are among the LGBT community and I have always seen absolutely no reason why anyone should be treated differently from anyone else, regardless of reason. I'm glad you guys have this thread to talk about all kinds of stuff and I'm glad to know you guys and to see you guys participate so much.

I'm glad you guys have no fear in talking about stuff online and I hope you guys keep it up! I enjoy having you guys here :D

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 4:25 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
Delta Magnus wrote:I'm a bi guy myself and I've got nothing against GBLT people, but I must be honest I've never been keen on the whole "pride" thing. It always seems to bring out the worst in everyone, on both sides. Myself I've always thought that who you want to combine with is your own business, and not something to be especially "proud" of, regardless of your orientation. And the less said about pride parades the better (I've never been to one myself but I know people who have, and the horror stories are best not repeated here).

(I'd totally be down for a drag queen/trap Transformer though.)

I don't think it's literally meant to be "pride", but rather it's to show (read: rub in their faces) that no matter what kind of social pressure is put on them, they would never renounce who they are just to please the common folk, and they're here to stay.

Is that them demanding respect and acceptance? Not really, but then again, that's just me being a bit... I don't know. I can see it being viewed as obnoxious by some, but if you need to bring it out in the open that's the way to go.

Respect goes both ways, and simple tolerance from both sides goes a long way. Yes, I said "tolerance", not "acceptance", as they're not the same thing. Go look up the South Park episode "The Death Camp of Tolerance" to see what I mean, and what could happen if either are taken too far or out of context.

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 4:12 pm
by Burn
For those who saw what was posted previously, it has been relocated.

While what was posted did NOT break the rules of the forum, it was not well received by some members. I am not a member of the LGBT community, but I could still see through the veil of feigned friendship and support and see preaching condemnation. And that will simply not be accepted.

To those that did respond to it, thank you for being civil. Now lets get this thread back on track.

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:50 pm
by Va'al
IDW's MTMTE praise. :)

Who would have thought when we were kids there would ever be gay Transformers? Rewind, the archivist of the group, and Chromedome, a surgeon, are key members of the Transformer’s main squad and while genderless by human terms, they both present as male robots in disguise.

From: ... gbta-fans/

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:54 pm
by Insidious
It's definitely one piece of the puzzle as to why I pick up my monthly issue of MTMTE. I get my overall heroes vs villains action most of the time, some cool outside the box robot stories that I've never seen before and little nuggets like Chromedome and Rewind (and Tailgate and Cyclonus) and some others that all tug on the heartstrings in their own way.

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:17 pm
by Tyrannacon
Even though I'm not gay I am definitely in support of those that are and am pleased with the visibility of characters and fans that are. Happy this thread exists. :)

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 2:15 am
by Va'al
Kurona wrote:Wasn't quite sure where else to put this since there isn't a general MTMTE thread as far as I can see, but this makes me happy ... 2563943424

Travelling Man was all ready for Manchester Pride tomorrow. #MtMtE was in the centre of their LGBT+ section!


Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 12:09 pm
by Evil Eye
Excluding that one Tumblr-bait Ask Vector Prime post (which deserves to be on the other side of Sentinel Trump's wall) have there ever been any actual transsexual/transgender Transformers? I know there was that one cassette who Walky and co tried to claim was a transsexual (because she was from the Marvel comicsverse, where gender didn't exist, but was identified as a girl...which seems kinda tenuous to me) but aside from that I can't think of any. The closest I can think of are:
>Arcee's IDW origins, which caused such unbelievably hilarious outrage from le problem glasses brigade that they decided to retcon it.
>Airrazor and Nightscream in the Legends comics, who spend the entire series in drag (which makes me want Legends Airrazor and Nightscream figures) though I suppose that doesn't count as actual transsexual...ism.
>Legends Blackarachnia, whose spider mode has decidedly male pedipalps, thus effectively making her/him a ladyboy.

I suppose when you're a robot, the solution to feeling like turning into the opposite sex is as easy as a few chassis adjustments and a new gearbox, thus removing all the LOLDRAMA. I can just imagine:

The Transformers by Delta Magnus' Publishing House wrote:"Look, Ratchet...I dunno how to tell you this, but...I want to be a woman."
"OK, no worries, just gimme a few hours and I'll whip up some upholstery, a new manifold and some smaller shoulder gimbals."

*A few stellar cycles later*

"Uhh, Ratchet? You know I said I felt like being a woman? Well I'm beginning to regret it a little, and I don't know what to do..."

"Not a problem! Just lay on this table here and I'll get your old faceplate and gearstick back on. Fixit! Get me my airbrush and angle grinder!"

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 12:33 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
I can think of only two "accidental" ones:

- Waspinator proper is male, however male wasps do not have stingers: only females do.
- Tigatron supposedly took his beast mode from a female tiger, since he and Snowstalker are the same size, while in real life male tigers are slightly bigger.

I wouldn't really count switched genders between US and Japan, but:

- It's a cheat, but Minerva is basically a female Nightbeat... as a nurse.
- In a reversal of the trend, Cybertron Override was male in Galaxy Force, but on Cartoon Network's request was made female for the US dub.
- Airazor was male in the Japanese dub, but stayed female in the Beast Wars Metals manga.

On the side, Nightscream and Airazor are indeed in drag in the Legends manga, but that has more to do with culture: coffee ladies in Japan can be either pretty women or men, and it's to provide unmarried persons with at least some income. Crossdressing is pretty accepted over there, for hundreds of years: geishas were originally all men because women were not allowed to work (thank you, QI)!

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 6:59 am
by Evil Eye
JelZe GoldRabbit wrote:On the side, Nightscream and Airazor are indeed in drag in the Legends manga, but that has more to do with culture: coffee ladies in Japan can be either pretty women or men, and it's to provide unmarried persons with at least some income. Crossdressing is pretty accepted over there, for hundreds of years: geishas were originally all men because women were not allowed to work (thank you, QI)!

Huh, well that explains quite a lot. :lol: Someone get Takara on the phone; some Legends series figures of crossdressing Nightscream and Airazor are needed.

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 5:54 pm
by Big Grim
ScottyP wrote:As a straight, middle-class, American, red meat eating, beer drinking, white male sort-of-from the South, let me just say that this thread, man. This thread.

It makes me smile :D

Everyone is welcome here in my book, and I will make snarky replies to anyone's posts about Transformers regardless who they are and how they identify :DANCE:

As pretty much all of that, except being Scottish, I'm with ya. I've known plenty of gay and bi people over the years. Only one made me feel uncomfortable and a talk fixed that. Other times have been fun. I had a moment where our "auntie" Paul hitched up his skirts and RAN across the dance floor! The comedian commented that I got up the help him, me having long, brown hair was suddenly Jesus helping a gay man! (This was about 15 years ago), and I admit, I actually stopped and asked this prat what he meant. Never did get an answer.

My Father is a touch racist and beyond. I love him dearly but hate that race still colours what is an otherwise nonsense issue. I honestly have said to people he does not really believe it. Just how he was brought up so many years ago. I think it's kind knee jerk racism. There's no actual feeling behind it! God knows I've given him stern talking toos but it really seems to come from his environment! It's kinda a shitterbecause honestly? I don't give two shits who love. Just bloody love them!

Admittedly, this results in people telling you how soft you are.

ANYWAY! Rant over. I love ya all and care not who you love. Just actually love them? Please?

Re: LGBT Transformer Fans

PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 6:17 pm
by Big Grim
Cobotron wrote:Straight son of a gay father. Dad died of AIDS when I was 13. I thank him most for the gift of an open mind. Best gift a father can give a son parent can give a child. The one heirloom I hope to pass to my daughters.

Great thread y'all. Talking breeds hope.
I hope for a world where all the different kinds of people are just people. Or, Earthlings as I like to think of us.


Holy crap Dude. What a damn lesson...