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Sharing some unused story bits

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 5:23 pm
by TF_JW
Hey all,

Now that the license is over, these stories are now officially DEAD. But rather than let them lie peacefully, let's poke at them with sticks!

The first story is actually probably my first comic script I wrote for the Club. You can tell I had plenty to learn based on the panel-per-page count (up to ten panels? Idda been killed by that penciller!) It's a full script for a proposed Punch/Counterpunch comic.

The second is fourteen or so pages of my first attempt to have the Fallen visit the Shettered Glass universe. You can read Shattered Glass: Coalescence on the Club Fiction page for the take that actually ended up getting published.

Re: Sharing some unused story bits

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 10:04 am
by triKlops
Just downloaded both of them.
Looking forward to digging into these soon!
Thanks for posting these, ;)^ .