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Disappointing figures, AKA "Why the heck did I buy that!?"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:37 am
by Evil Eye
Not all action figures are created equal. Some are amazing, and others...not so much. But the worst of all IMO are the ones that look like they're going to be great, and then turn out to be kinda meh. Not even necessarily awful, but nowhere near as good as we hoped.

So what figures have you bought that you either regretted buying or were just let down by?

For me, I'd pick Bring Arts 2B (1.0, I don't have the 2.0). She's a The articulation is decent enough, with a really nice mid-torso balljoint and generally good range of motion, but she feels a bit...rickety? Her stand is FRIGHTENING to assemble due to the tolerances, her joints are either too loose or too tight and the paint is variable; the skirt in particular has really sloppy drybrush work on it that looks like it belonged on a ToyBiz Marvel Legend. Worst of all, it only comes with Virtuous Treaty, which sucks as 2B always has two weapons with her in the game (though the sword itself is nicely made).

The saving grace is Friedrich, AKA Bucket Boy, the Machine Lifeform (from the beginning of 9S' story mode) that comes with her. He's awesome.

Re: Disappointing figures, AKA "Why the heck did I buy that!?"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:00 am
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
The one Revenge of the Sith 3.5" Anakin Skywalker figure. He was okay, but the headsculpt wasn't perfect and he's a bit impaired articulation-wise by a "spinning slash" gimmick. The corresponding Obi-Wan has it a bit worse since his gimmick is a kick, although I didn't buy him (he was a gift).

Anakin having issues was a bit of an extra disappointment since I had to buy him at an inflated price from a reseller at a collectibles meet... The RotS 3.5" action figure line got scalped REALLY badly.

Re: Disappointing figures, AKA "Why the heck did I buy that!?"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:19 am
by -Kanrabat-
The figures that I regret to buy the most are the Final Fantasy 8 figures of Bahamut and especially Odin. That was over 20 freaking years ago already but the burn is still felt.


Those were HUGE and incredibly detailed. Beautiful figures.


Posability was not only limited (and the horse had none) but they were made out of some kind of rubbery plastics. The joints were stiff and the parts kept stucking themselves together. Just a wee bit of force and SNAP! A leg off, joint broken beyond repair. Glue it permanently in a pose. Glue don't last long because bizarre ungluable material. Then SNAP! Here's come the arm, SNAP! Off the claw goes.

Expensive garbage.

Re: Disappointing figures, AKA "Why the heck did I buy that!?"

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:42 pm
by blackeyedprime
I can't remember how much I spent on the final fantasy viii summons so it softens the blow, still finding broken limbs of them in boxes when searching for other stuff.

Kind of an odd one... But WWE xbox one game with exclusive NWO hulk hogan funko... Because once you have one funko you don't feel bad buying other funkos.

On the bright side, whilst searching through some boxes I found my Xmas pressie from a friend from a while back - unboxed Dick (Tracy) in a box. Some toys are so bad they are great.

Re: Disappointing figures, AKA "Why the heck did I buy that!?"

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:16 am
by Twitchythe3rd
I have two lines for this, and they're both Blizzard related.

NECA did a short run for Heroes of the Storm a while back. I bought 3 of them, and they all have problems specific to each of them.

The other one was the Hasbro Overwatch line. I have no problems with about half of them. The rest range from being limited in articulation to being unable to hold accesories to just plain bad QC.

At least Overwatch has an (albeit expensive) alternative in Figma. HotS was abandoned after a grand total of 8 figures.

Re: Disappointing figures, AKA "Why the heck did I buy that!?"

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:32 pm
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
Do vehicles for action figures count?
Because if vehicles for action figures count, then these days I definitely regret having bought two RotS Jedi Starfighters (Anakin's and Obi-Wan's). The S-foil trigger mechanism was much more prone to the struts jamming than the similar one for the AotC Jedi Starfighter's "Fight mode", plus the tabs that secured the S-foils aren't as durable and neither are the struts. I love the Eta-2 Actis, and I had always wanted to have more action figure starfighters (the AotC Jedi fighter was the first I got, and the only other vehicle I'd had was Anakin's podracer... I wonder whatever became of that)... but these toys were a bit too frustrating and I find the LEGO renditions decidedly more enjoyable anymore.

Although perhaps the biggest factor in the regret is that with them being $20 (4 weeks of allowance!) apiece, I weep to think that I could have gotten some Cybertron toys (which I would still be enjoying to this day) at retail instead with that money.

Re: Disappointing figures, AKA "Why the heck did I buy that!?"

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 4:18 am
by Ebonsaber
Revoltech Transforming Macross VF-1S.

Figure can barely hold itself together, and the parts are too flimsy for the stiffness of the revo joints. Macross was the first mecha anime I ever watched, and this was the first official product that I bought (I made do with bootlegs that had a pencil sharpener as a kid), and I still feel I paid way too much for the fig (almost 40 USD).