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Lock On

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:14 pm
by ctrlFrequency
Name: Lock On

Allegiance: Decepticon
Function: Warrior
Alt. Mode: F 22 Raptor
Weapons: Alt Mode: Air to Air Guided Missiles, Air to Surface Guided Missiles, Twin Machine Guns Robot Mode: Plasma Shot Gun, Surface to Air Rocket Launcher, Photon Rifle
Height: 30 ft/9.1 M
Quote: "

Strength: 6
Intelligence: 5
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 8
Endurance: 7
Courage: 8
Firepower: 7
Accuracy: 8
Melee: 6
Tech Skill: 4
Charisma: 4
Rank: 5

Profile: Lock On is crazy. Simply that, crazy, there's a by pass in his neural circuitry somewhere that simply ignores all sound reasoning and sends the Seeker running headlong into battle no matter what the odds or consequences. He's there, shooting everything that has an Autobot symbol on it. Gleefully violent, once in his element.

All of that makes him a bit of a loose cannon in battle, needing to be reigned in often by his superiors. And during down time, one bored 'Con.

Fortunately, his battle lust usually stays contained to the battle field. When not in battle he can be a bit of a nuisance. He wants to chit chat, spar, race, anything to keep him occupied. His mind is in constant motion and he's very comfortable in that speed.

What wins him the grudging tolerance from his peers, even if he may be a pain in the aft, but he is always willing to lend a hand, listen to problem, or shoot you in the foot should you choose that.

He loves a good explosion though. If he's not in battle, he will stop to admire a good explosion, and usually applaud.

His decision to join the Decepticons was an easy choice for him. The Decepticons fostered his violent behaviors, especially back in the early days. He was no gladiator, but he did get thrown into the pit for a fight more times than he could count.

Over the ages he became friends with surveillance expert Vertigo and got dragged up through the ranks with the more level headed mech. Not that he was complaining, Vertigo's sensibility kept him out of trouble... or at least a good word in with the powers that be.

His colors are dark blue with contrasting gray.

Abilities: He's well skilled with his weapons, not an expert at any but a good shot.
He has very well tuned sights, he can pick up and lock on to targets in flight quickly and easily. His accuracy is above average, so when he's got his target, he's likely to hit.
His love of explosives has lead him to dabble in the fine art of making things blow up... louder the better.

Weaknesses: His battle lust of course, tends to tunnel vision him. He won't wait for proper recon or planning, he just goes. It's hard to get him to pull out after he's hit the heat of battle.