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MH Toys MH-01 Fleet Commander Hurricane (KO Fanstoys FT-29T Quietus) MP Cyclonus

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2022 3:09 pm
by shajaki
This is a thing now apparently. Fanstoys have knock-offs. I'm sure there's mixed feelings on this, but (severely) lowering the price to entry was too good for me to pass up. I sharply eyeball FT figures, and with Cyclonus being a favorite of mine Quietus has always been on my radar.

My experience with FT (while limited) has never been anything I've raved about. There's always concessions made (usually finicky transformations). Which these days seems like an odd complaint since it can be made for most 3P TF's, and even recent official MP's (44 and 52 anyone?). And while this guy fits right in there, he's still pretty damn amazing. But why am I critiquing Quietus and not Hurricane? Anyone reading this is probably here to hear about the KO quality. That's because the quality is outstanding, with only 1 flaw I can see. But I'll get to that.








So where does the problem lie? The robot shoulders. And keep in mind, it might just be mine. But from what I can tell, they're supposed to recess in slightly, and mine doesn't. Not enough. Like, by fractions of an inch it seems. It leaves him slightly gappy, and because of that there's a certain panel that pretty much refuses to tab in.




At first I was pretty bummed by this, but in the grand scheme of things I tell myself that its not a big deal. He still looks amazing in both modes, and cost less than half of FT's asking price. And really, literally everything else on him feels fantastic. Nothing else is amiss. He gets my seal of approval, and if you want my advice, get it while its hot. 3P stuff has a finite lifespan, and 3P KO stuff can be even worse. So if you want it, don't sleep on it.