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Signal Lancer Fan's Rediscovered Collection

PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 6:32 pm
by #1 Signal Lancer fan
I was just going through some old boxes after I moved and I rediscovered my old collection, so I thought I'd share!

I grew up during the Unicron Trilogy and started really collecting during Prime's run so most of my toys are from those times. I used to have so many more Unicron Trilogy toys, but when I hit my teenage years I got rid of a lot of them and only saved some of my favorites at the time.

Many of them are missing pieces, some because I lost them as a kid, some because my young nephew used to like to play with them, and others are probably just in another box somewhere.

Re: Signal Lancer Fan's Rediscovered Collection

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:14 am
by ZeldaTheSwordsman
You've got some good stuff there, and I wish you the best of luck in restoring them