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Cybertronian Thunderblast/Chromia from Revoltech Ardjet?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:06 pm
by Evil Eye
So seeing the ludicrous prices for Cybertron Thunderblast on the aftermarket, I decided "You know what? Screw it, I'm making my own!". I reckon that the Revoltech Ardjet from Zone of the Enders looks like it might be a good starting point.

It's a cool looking robot, quite feminine, and with a new head and a paintjob it'd look very Thunderblast esque. It even transforms (shellforms even) into!
Plus, it being a Revoltech it'd be VERY easy to disassemble.

There's a few things putting me off.

1: Although I know bugger all about ZotE, the design is so gorgeous that it seems like sacrilege to customize it into a mere Transformer.
2: I hear that it partsforms for its "coffin" mode. Now, from what I've seen it CAN be transformed with all parts attached but it looks a tad...awkward.
3: I'd have to make new hands and a new weapon (and figure out a way of attaching it) if I wanted her to have her iconic multi-bazooka.

Anyway, does anyone have this toy? Is my idea a good one or is it doomed to failure because of some detail of the toy I've missed?

Re: Cybertronian Thunderblast/Chromia from Revoltech Ardjet?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 1:26 pm
by Excimer
I think this is a cool idea. I liked Thunderblast and if anyone actually does this custom I'd be interested in seeing how she turned out. :CON: