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Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:50 am
by jogunwarrior
The following will be pics from own Transformers Collection. Some of you may have seen some of them before on Flickr. Any comments or discussion is always welcome and appreciated.

Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:51 am
by jogunwarrior
Torca is a cool looking bot, but he could have been a lot better if he were in a larger size class. As he is, he's a little small and really simple to transform.

This is one of those Beast Wars figures I hope they give the 30th Anniv. Rhinox Treatment. A Voyager sized Torca would be awesome!


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:53 am
by jogunwarrior
I picked this Cybertron Cryo Scourge guy up on the aftermarket for really cheap. Based on how much I spent, I am happy with him, but truth be told he's not all that great.


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:55 am
by jogunwarrior
When I bought this guy in the store, I hadn't finished watching Transformers Prime yet, and I was really excited to see how he'd be incorporated into the show. Imagine my disappointment when he never appeared.
Regardless I thought the figure looked pretty cool and I knew I had to have him.


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:59 am
by jogunwarrior
Of the Generations Wreckers, Roadbuster is one of the better ones, but sadly that is not saying much.
I was really excited about the new Roadbuster I picked up last year. With him in hand this figure may end up being used as someone else entirely, but haven't figured out yet who that could be.


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:56 pm
by jogunwarrior
Kup is a cool character, and this is as great a version of him as there has ever been. He's a solid edition to my collection, and takes part on many missions leading newer inexperienced bots into battle.


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:58 pm
by jogunwarrior
So evidently fans of G2 have little to no love for this particular toy. I myself have no love for G2 and have no idea who "that" Mindset even is, which may be why I really like this guy! Both alt modes are cool, but I like his robot mode better. He's built like a linebacker gorilla with squat legs and large arms. He fits in really well with my other heavily armed Autobot soldiers.

If you have Hailstorm then you can probably pass on this guy, but if you missed out on Hailstorm, then I think this guy is worth checking out.


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:58 pm
by jogunwarrior
Okay, okay, okay...I know he is technically called Downshift, but lets get real; this is Wheeljack. This is my only Wheeljack figure as I have since passed on the Classics and Prime version and I use the Armada toy as a totally different character.

Some people may want to call me out on miss transforming his legs, but that is on purpose. I like the look of his legs turned around soooo much better. It is more reminiscent of Wheeljack and allows greater bend in his knees.

Anyway, if a better Wheeljack ever comes out I may consider purchasing it, but I have yet to find one.


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:04 pm
by jogunwarrior
When I originally bought this figure I didn't really know or care about Red Alert, but reading More than Meets the Eye has made me a fan of the uber paranoid security officer. While I've always appreciated the toy for what it was, I have found my appreciation growing ten-fold.

The toy itself is awesome, his transformation from Dodge Magnum to Robot is really clever and a lot of fun. He also includes hidden cannons and swappable hand attachments.

As much as I dig this figure, I would really like a new IDW version


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:06 pm
by jogunwarrior
I was ecstatic to find Scoop on the shelves of my local Target, and passed getting the Mini-Con Assault team and Armada Starscream in favor of him (I've since gone back for the other two).

I had a couple of Targetmasters as a kid, but Scoop wasn't one of them. This figure has me itching for Hasbro to give us more Targetmasters such as Quake, Needlenose, Triggerhappy, Pointblank and Crosshairs.

His transformation is fun and not too tough and he is also a lot of fun to play with.


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:09 pm
by jogunwarrior
This was my first Jetfire toy, and had picked it up on the secondary market after skipping on most of Armada at retail.

The figure itself is pretty good, the transformation isn't complicated, he's got good playability, and is fun to pose. However, after getting the Classics version of Jetfire, this guy had sort of lost his place in my collection.

Last spring I went through my collection and thinned it out getting rid of a number of Movie and Armada toys. He was initially on the chopping block, but after playing around with him while taking this pic it gave me a new appreciation for him and I decided to keep him as part of my collection.


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:47 am
by jogunwarrior
Not gonna lie: I totally had to look up this guys name to remember what it was. I didn't find him on Seibertron or TFarchive, but luckily found him at Unicron,com

He's actually a cool little toy, his transformation is fun, and is fun to play with. I am not much of a fan of the springs in the feet, but they don't detract from his cool factor.



Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:48 am
by jogunwarrior
I remember seeing images of this guy online before he was released and knowing that he was definitely going to be at the top of the list of figures to track down in stores. So once I actually found him, there was no hesitation in snatching him up.


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:00 am
by jogunwarrior
Transformers repaints is nothing new, and the Classics line carried that tradition on starting with Cliffjumper, which is a repaint of Bumblebee.

I love the Bumblebee toy, and should love the Cliffjumper just as much since its the exact same toy (just in different color), but its the fact that he's the exact same toy that he loses a couple of notches. Had Hasbro given him a different head he'd have been a lot better.



Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:06 am
by jogunwarrior
Despite what Hasbro was forced to call him, this is Shockwave! I never had a G1 Shockwave, and I never saw this guy at retail, but I found him on Ebay a few years back for around 20.00. I always liked the character and was so happy to have a representation of him in my collection.

I've admittedly never transformed him from his robot mode, but in looking at pics of his alternated modes it does not appear as if I am missing anything. His movement is good, and the sculpt is nicely detailed. The only complaint I have about this figure is the cannon arm. It's super huge and would have been vastly improved if it had an elbow joint.

last year I picked up the Beast Wars Shockwave, which I like a bit better placing this particular figure in jeopardy of being cut from my collection, but the jury's still out on that.


Re: Jogunwarrior's Transformer World

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:10 am
by jogunwarrior
I picked this figure up from Big Bad when I'd ordered Trailbreaker, Hoist and Thundercracker. As soon as I got and opened him, I wasn't impressed and tossed him into a box of Transformer toys to get rid of. However, upon pulling him out for some pics I found myself liking him more and more. I've decided to keep him at this point.


Cybertron Sideways

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:13 am
by jogunwarrior
the design aesthetics of this figure are awesome. His head sculpt is one of my favorites from the Cybertron line.

He's highly posable and comes with some great melee weapons.

My one complaint about this figure is that his transformation is somewhat complicated and can be frustrating to the point where I primarily leave him in robot mode and have changed to his spaceship mode just a few times.




Universe Terradive

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:18 am
by jogunwarrior
One of the things I really like about Terradive is that he's not a traditional seeker. While I love jets there is only so much Starscream, Sky Warp, and Thundercracker I can take.

Another interesting facet to this figures design is how great he looks as a jet fighter, and yet as a robot he doesn't look like he'd turn into a jet at all.


RTS Windcharger

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:21 am
by jogunwarrior
Windcharger was on my radar to pick up because I had the original mini figure back in the day, and loved it. However, I never saw him at retail, and had to pick him up on ebay. I'm really glad I did as he is a spectacular Scout Class figure!

He looks great in both modes and is a lot of fun to play with.



Movie Landmine

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:28 am
by jogunwarrior
This is one of the few 07 Movie toys to make the cut and remain an integral part of my collection.

I really enjoy both of this figures mold. His alt mode is a cool military ATV, the transformation is simply (especially when compared to some other Movie line Deluxe figures, and his robot mode is highly posable, very playable and kibble free (again not something that can be said about a lot of other movie figs).



HftD Firetrap

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:47 am
by jogunwarrior
There are two things I'm a complete sucker for when it comes to Transformers: Robots that transform into animals, and robots with guns. Firetrap is one of the latter as he is armed with two long wrist mounted cannons, which can be removed.

Firetrap is a redeco of ROTF Scattershot whom I had completely missed out on. I don't even remember if I ever saw him at retail and if I had I didn't bother to pick him up.


Cybertron Override GTS

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:51 am
by jogunwarrior
There are a few examples of instances where I regretted the transformer I had just purchased. ROTF Sideways, Cybertron Overhaul and Cybertron Override are some that come to mind.

Override is supposed to be a female transformer, and while I don't have any issue with Transformers being male or female, the toys of female Transformers usually have some sort of feminine quality to the design (look at Energon Arcee or Cybertron Thunderblast as examples), I don't see any feminine design aesthetics in this figure (unless you consider it may have high heels for feet).

The fact that this figure doesn't appear to be a female is not my big issue with it. I don't like this figure for a number of reasons, most noticeably is its articulation in robot mode. The legs on mine have difficulty bending at the knees and the center pelvic connector doesn't stay fastened well so the hips swing apart freely.

I also don't care for the large blocky upper torso which makes her arms look really small.

As I thin out parts of my collection to make room for future additions, Override sadly has not made the cut, and is on the way out.


If Override has one redeeming quality its her alt. mode which is a sleek looking futuristic race car.

I really dig this design with its enclosed cockpit, adjustable rear spoiler and small green headlamps.


Armada Sideswipe

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:33 am
by jogunwarrior
This is probably one of my least favorite Transformers in my collection for a variety of reasons with annoying Kibble and brick like legs being at the top of the list. He's no fun to pose or play with, so I hardly use him.

On the few occasions I had used him it had been as Autobot Detective Nightbeat, I believe that's who he was originally intended to be anyway but the name was swapped with his Minicon partner for some reason. Anyway, with a new Nightbeat figure in hand, I have no use for this toy, so he's on is way out of my collection.



Above is how Side Swipe looked when I found him at a local flea market for about four dollars. At the time I had no idea what the robot mode would look like so I thought it was definitely worth the few dollars...boy was I deceived.

Cybertron Brimstone

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:36 am
by jogunwarrior
I'm a fan of robots transforming into animals, and I really liked the Cybertron line because they did a really good job of integrating "beastformers" in with other types of Transformers.

Brimstone is one of those "Beastformers" hailing from the Jungle Planet. He turns into a larger pternodon with a giant head.

The toy is a lot of fun in both modes, but I do wish the wings had extra joints allowing them to fold up and in more...I'd have rather had that than the Cyber key gimmick.



Cybertron Soundwave

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:38 am
by jogunwarrior
For a long time this was my "go to" Soundwave as it was the only version of the character I owned. I didn't mind since this is an awesome version of the character.

Because I liked this guy so much I passed on all the Soundwave releases since, but then I picked up a FOC Blaster at Wal-Mart, and liked him so much I decided to track down the Soundwave figure as well.

I found a FOC Soundwave along with all his Data Discs on Ebay for around 25.00 shipped and couldn't pass on it.

As much as I like this figure, the FOC version has replaced him in my collection. I like the look of the FOC version better, and he's a lot more fun to play with since I have all his Data Discs.
