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What do you think of this idea to conclude the Unicron plot from The Last Knight?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 4:01 pm
by danieldresen
I asked an AI chat bot how to conclude the series and this is what I was presented. It sounds better than anything Michael Bay has put out so far.

As the Transformers war raged on, a dark force had awakened from deep within the Earth. Unicron, the planet-sized entity had taken root in the core of the planet, transforming it into his own massive form. His awakening had brought with it cataclysmic destruction, the likes of which had not been seen for eons.

The Autobots, now allied with Optimus Prime, had teamed up with their ancient enemies, the Decepticons, to combat the threat of Unicron. They knew that they had to find a way to stop Unicron before he could consume the Earth and extinguish all life as they knew it.

Meanwhile, Cade Yeager and his team of human allies had discovered a way to access the power of the ancient Transformers knights, using their technology to create powerful weapons capable of taking down Unicron. They also learned that they could use the staff of Merlin, which they had obtained earlier, to control the powers of the knights and potentially destroy Unicron once and for all.

As the Autobots and Decepticons engaged in a fierce battle against Unicron's minions, Cade and his team made their way into the heart of the Earth. There, they were confronted by Unicron himself, a massive entity that dwarfed all of them in size and power.

Using the staff of Merlin, Cade and his team unleashed a powerful blast of energy that struck Unicron, causing him to reel back in agony. The Autobots and Decepticons used this opportunity to attack, unleashing all their weapons on Unicron.

Despite their best efforts, Unicron was too powerful, and he began to consume the Earth once again. But just when all seemed lost, a miracle occurred. A group of ancient beings known as the Quintessons arrived, revealing that they had the power to stop Unicron.

With their help, the Autobots and Decepticons launched one final, massive attack on Unicron. The combined might of all their weapons and powers were able to weaken Unicron enough for the Quintessons to use their technology to teleport him away from the Earth.

With Unicron defeated, the Earth was left in shambles. But the Autobots and Decepticons, now allies, pledged to work together to rebuild and protect their new home. The era of the Transformers had truly begun, and they knew that they would face many challenges in the years to come. But for now, they could celebrate their victory, and look forward to a new era of peace and prosperity for all.

Re: What do you think of this idea to conclude the Unicron plot from The Last Knight?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 4:37 pm
by TulioDude
This conversation would be better at the movie forum, but let's discuss:

This story doesn't seen so different from The Last Knight(except the Decepticon-Autobot alliance), with Earth in place of Cybertron and Unicron instead of Quintessa.
We would need more details to make this plot more enticing. How would the character interactions work? Who would be the main focus? What would be the character arc?
To make the alliance between factions believable would need more dedicate more time to them, but that would mean less time for Unicron.

It could work,but need more to go on.

Re: What do you think of this idea to conclude the Unicron plot from The Last Knight?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 9:57 am
by snavej
At the end of The Last Knight, Cybertron and Earth/Unicron were linked by multiple massive cable structures. Some kind of anti-gravity force was preventing the two planets from colliding catastrophically. I imagine that the combined powers of Cybertron, the Transformers, the MacGuffins, etc. would've been channelled through those cables and into Earth, thus subjugating the dark god. Either Unicron would die or he would be banished from Earth.

It's surprisingly similar to a scenario I wrote about years before, on! :-?