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Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 11:17 am
by God Thundercracker
Lately, I have been feeling a lot of despair. I was lucky to survive coronavirus, but there seems to be no end in sight to this pandemic hell. I admit I have been drinking a lot of beer to dull my feelings of depression and anxiety. Sometimes it seems like things will never get better.

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2020 2:54 pm
by Burn
1 - Interact with more of the forums, talking to others about Transformers and what not will provide a good distraction.
2 - See a medical professional. I've dealt with depression myself for over 2 decades, you reach a point where you need a little bit of help. There's nothing wrong in getting that help.
3 - We're all in this pandemic boat. You're right, it's not going away any time soon, so dwelling on it will just continue to drag you down. Change that outlook, get back to life as much as you can while also keeping yourself safe. It's what we all have to do.

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:46 pm
by -WonkoTheSane-
I second Burn's advice. I recommend trying to keep yourself busy (even if it has to be from home).
If you collect action figures, Try rearranging the shelves (Thats usually a week long project to keep me busy :lol: ) If you like reading, Find some books to read
(I highly recommend Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Just avoid the last one 'Mostly Harmless'), Or if you like graphic novels, You can't go wrong with Watchmen.
If you like watching TV, Perhaps find some critically acclaimed TV shows to watch you might have missed the first time around (I recommend Breaking Bad a fantastic show; once you start, You won't want to stop), Or if you're into video games, Nows the perfect time to get all those S ranks on Ace Combat 5 you missed, Or something like that.
If you live in an isolated area (I do, Nothing but fields) you could go on long walks for exercise (I've been doing that, And have lost a lot of weight; Just because you're stuck at home doesn't mean you can't better yourself)
And finally, If the depression persists, There's nothing wrong with seeing a councillor or psychologist; Some of them are even doing phone consultations rather then seeing people in person during the virus.
Good luck friend, And stay safe.

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 11:36 pm
by Truthstar9
God Thundercracker wrote:Lately, I have been feeling a lot of despair. I was lucky to survive coronavirus, but there seems to be no end in sight to this pandemic hell. I admit I have been drinking a lot of beer to dull my feelings of depression and anxiety. Sometimes it seems like things will never get better.

I'm sorry to hear you say this. The best advice I can give is to take this time, which is now void of sports and actor's drama, to familiarize yourself with what's going on in the world and USA.

The first question to ask is when was the last pandemic we faced and how as it handled. Why is this one different?
Ask yourself why has the city of Detroit, and similar, turned to complete **** the past decades? Can you find a correlation between the mass exodus of manufacturing jobs and the mass import of narcotics. Which communities suffered the most. The working class, which is comprised of all colors.

Why did our politicians allow the above to happen? Which Presidents tried to change it? Just one. President Trump.
Why did President Trump station the US Navy to completely lock out cartels from smuggling drugs from sea lanes? Or better yet, why haven't other Presidents done the same.

Why is it the 1st time in American history, a new Administration was undercut from day one with fake investigations, undermining the peaceful transfer of power started by President Washington.

You realize the previous Administration allowed Russia to invade Ukraine and DIDN'T DO A THING despite signed treaties to ensure Ukraine's national borders. I wonder why.

Did you know Russia has >100k troops amassed on the their borders, continuously doing military drills?

Did you know just recently, Belarus activated their military to borders bc of their assertions of NATO troops activity in Poland/Lithuania? Oh, Belarus just had a fake election cycle btw.

There are two Naval battle groups operating in the South China Sea, international space, but declared ownership by China. I'm wondering what will happen when some fool shoots down a US plane by mistake.

Maybe its time to start thinking larger, your life bubble is quite small in comparison to what's going on around you.

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 1:07 pm
by Jelze Bunnycat
We're all in this, the only thing we can do push on forward looking for the light at the end of tunnel. Trust me, its there. They claim it's gonna take 2 years for things to improve, but we as a people been through worse. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 to 1920 comes to mind.

Just hang in there, spend time with your friends and family, talk to them, do what you enjoy. Try to see the good in what's around you, and ignore the bad.

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 4:55 pm
by Truthstar9
We are all in this together. Such a stupid statement. Your neighbor paying your mortgage?

Maybe its time Americans start acting like Americans instead of taking a knee when people you never met dictate you aren't allowed to work.

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:23 pm
by Burn
Truthstar9 wrote:We are all in this together. Such a stupid statement. Your neighbor paying your mortgage?

It's a stupid statement if someone takes it out of context and/or twists it to suit their own narrative.

This pandemic is global, you'd be hard pressed to find someone that hasn't been adversely affected by it in some way. So yes, we are all in this together, and yes, we should be there to support each other, even if it's just a few words on a screen.

Because it sure as hell beats being a confrontational wanker.

Maybe its time Americans start acting like Americans instead of taking a knee when people you never met dictate you aren't allowed to work.

While the majority of people on this site are American, not everyone is. Not that this comment of yours has any relevance to the topic whatsoever.

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:43 pm
by -WonkoTheSane-
Burn wrote:
Truthstar9 wrote:We are all in this together. Such a stupid statement. Your neighbor paying your mortgage?

It's a stupid statement if someone takes it out of context.

This pandemic is global, you'd be hard pressed to find someone that hasn't been adversely affected by it in some way. So yes, we are all in this together, and yes, we should be there to support each other, even if it's just a few words on a screen.

Because it sure as hell beats being a confrontational wanker.

Maybe its time Americans start acting like Americans instead of taking a knee when people you never met dictate you aren't allowed to work.

While the majority of people on this site are American, not everyone is. Not that this comment of yours has any relevance to the topic whatsoever.

While I just logged in to say something like this, Burn has probably said it better than I could've.
Also, The poor guy survived COVID, They're (depending on age and other factors) lucky to be alive.
I think what Jelze is saying, It doesn't matter your location, Race, Gender, Sexuality, Religious beliefs, Education, Political party, Class, This virus does not discriminate.
In that way, We are all in this together.
This is all going to take a long time to get better, But it will get better. The Human race has been through worse. I'm not one to be needlessly positive just to make myself feel better, But it must be remembered that this will get better.
And even if it doesn't, Whats the alternative?
Just put a paper bag on your head, Hide under a table and wait for the end?

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:48 pm
by Truthstar9 are joking right? Know what a pandemic is? HIV or Cancer, two things I'm more afraid of than FLU x2.

What's the mortality rate with treatment again? How's it feel to have all businesses ruined and savings drained because of an illness that primarily affects a tiny portion of the population. I know, I sound horrible. Keep supporting economic lockdowns and soon enough you may have a world war to deal with that will kill millions.

Being America drives the world economy, it is relevant.

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:58 pm
by Burn
Feisty little **** aren't ya?

I find it incredibly hilarious how you assume that I support economic lockdowns.

Answer me this as well, if America drives the world economy, why were so many industries struggling to meet demand over the last few months after China shut down?

We do seem to be straying far off-topic though. Hopefully if God Thundercracker ever bothers to read this thread he finds you amusing as much as I do.

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 8:00 pm
by -WonkoTheSane-
Obvious troll is obvious. >:oP

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2020 9:38 pm
by Burn
-WonkoTheSane- wrote:Obvious troll is obvious. >:oP

Absolutely. Figure I give him a few more posts though to see if he can be anything other than confrontational and **** stirring.

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 6:59 am
by Truthstar9
Burn wrote:Feisty little **** aren't ya?

I find it incredibly hilarious how you assume that I support economic lockdowns.

Answer me this as well, if America drives the world economy, why were so many industries struggling to meet demand over the last few months after China shut down?

We do seem to be straying far off-topic though. Hopefully if God Thundercracker ever bothers to read this thread he finds you amusing as much as I do.

Glad to hear you don't. I find it hilarious people think they can sit on their ass for 3/4 of a year collecting a check while thinking nothing will happen to offset it. So excuse me when I gag when hearing the word pandemic, esp when people are acting like its an extended vacation.

Because China supplies industries. America still drives it being the largest consumer nation in the world. Go to China, they don't have open markets at all and any trade shutdown wouldn't hurt us in the for the Apple stock holders who rely on slave labor to make their product.

Re: Been feeling a lot of despair lately

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 7:03 am
by Truthstar9
Burn wrote:
-WonkoTheSane- wrote:Obvious troll is obvious. >:oP

Absolutely. Figure I give him a few more posts though to see if he can be anything other than confrontational and **** stirring.

Not sure why I'm being labeled **** stirring by being factual. Facts sometime hurt, but its time to put big boy pants on.