Page 1 of 1 Community Spotlight - Cobotron and "The Axiom Chronicles"

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 7:22 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
Sometimes, there is a member of our community that rises above and beyond the call of duty, giving their hearts to a fun and unique project that sometimes takes months or even year to accomplish.

Today, we want to highlight a member of our staff that has stood up to the challenge he has put himself too. Site Moderator Cobotron, a long time member of our community and wonderful dude-otron all around, has been pouring his heart into a project 4 years in the making, and that project has finally come to fruition.

And that project is an online story called The Axiom Chronicles.

The Axiom Chronicles is a project that started out a cool little action sequence, and over the past 4 years has evolved into a pilot episode for an online show. The show was the final result of a kickstarter itself, and thanks to a successful funding, it is now beginning to air. The show follows an outlaw by the name of Rake who participates in a daring mission that ends up altering the fate of both his life and the lives of everyone on his planet. The show was created by a small creative community, of which our Cobotron was a part. Cobotron himself is credited as a writer, developer, character and layout designer, 3D designer and animator, sound designer, and voice actor (character of Lefty).

We have mirrored the Pilot episode along with all the information posted with it below for your viewing. If you see what you like, give the creative team behind the show a shout below, and subscribe and follow their Youtube and Social Media pages (in the description below) to keep up with the story!

And we thank Cobotron for both being an awesome member of and for working so hard to give us this awesome project!

Action packed season opener in which we meet Rake and the Sons of Syn. Syn has acquired inside information about an Axiom shard being transported into Power City. Syn sends Rake on a high-stakes mission to steal the Axiom as well as prove his worth to the gang. What Rake doesn’t know, during the mission, fate will intervene and offer him a different path into a world much bigger than he ever knew.

The Axiom Chronicles -
A young outlaw stumbles upon a mysterious power source that unlocks his true potential and helps him rise from a struggling life of survival to the savior of his planet that is enslaved by robots.

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Hey guys. It’s finally here - we know its’s been a long time coming. Thank you so much for supporting this thing over the last 4 years. When we first started this process, our intention was just to make a short action sequence. That slowly turned into a whole pilot episode of a much bigger project. It’s overwhelmingly surreal and humbling that people are actually interested in and excited about something that means so much to us. We still can’t believe how much love Axiom has gotten. So, thank you. From the bottom of our nerd hearts. We 1,000% could not have done this without you. We hope you like the first episode of The Axiom Chronicles.

follow along on Instagram - @axiomchronicles + @edisoncreative

Re: Community Spotlight - Cobotron and "The Axiom Chronicles"

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 7:27 pm
by D-Maximal_Primal
Took a watch, and man, that was pretty great!

I had no expectations or any real idea what I was gonna watch, but it was really enjoyable. consider me hooked for the series!

Also, I had to do a double check when I saw Cobotron voiced a character, and then when i found said character, I really didn't recognize the voice :lol:

well done man, I'm so proud of you and your entire crew!

Re: Community Spotlight - Cobotron and "The Axiom Chronicles"

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 7:35 pm
by Burn
My little Moderator is all growed up!

When I first heard about this (I think Cobes sent us all an e-mail, or maybe he posted it in his thread, I dunno, I don't pay enough attention to such details!) I didn't hesitate to back the Kickstarter.

I even told him to keep the extra goodies I would have gotten as a backer, 'cause I didn't need goodies, I just wanted my buddy to achieve a dream of his.
Actually it was going to cost too much in postage, but hey, you all thought for a second that I was a nice guy!

Congrats to Cobes and all those involved in getting this little project off the ground.

Re: Community Spotlight - Cobotron and "The Axiom Chronicles"

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 7:47 pm
by TF-fan kev777
Bravo Cobs, Bravo

Re: Community Spotlight - Cobotron and "The Axiom Chronicles"

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 7:48 pm
by no-one
Awesome :APPLAUSE:

Re: Community Spotlight - Cobotron and "The Axiom Chronicles"

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 8:29 pm
by Cobotron
I'm beside myself.

I come down from putting my kids to sleep and find this.

Thanks guys. Thanks so much!

It means so much to me to show this to my sci-fi fantasy action adventure friends and peers.

I hope you all like it.

And Burn, thanks so much for your contribution to the Kickstarter. If it weren't for kind and generous folks like you (did I really just say that?) this thing may have never happened.
Still have your pile of contributer swag here if you want it. :lol:

And thanks for the great write-up D-Max! ;)^

Re: Community Spotlight - Cobotron and "The Axiom Chronicles"

PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2019 9:51 pm
by Burn
Cobotron wrote:If it weren't for kind and generous folks like you (did I really just say that?)

Yeah, you did.

Would it help restore my rep if I slapped you with a warning now? Image

Re: Community Spotlight - Cobotron and "The Axiom Chronicles"

PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 10:42 pm
by Stargrave
I was late to the game and lost this in the NYCC shuffle.

This is rad!

If anyone hasn't checked this out yet, then seriously, go check it out. If you're here reading this then I can guarantee you will enjoy this entertaining ten minute roller coaster ride full of so much sci-fi rich awesomeness you'll be itching for the next episode. Just like I am right now.

Five out of five gravestars. Rarely are such high marks given from the stargraveyard but, alas, here we are.

Nice work Cobotron! Congratulations to you and your crew! :APPLAUSE: