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Jurassic Park/World and Dinosaurs Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:37 am
by Tyrannacon
I've been infatuated with dinosaurs and Jurassic Park for a bulk of my life and it serves as one of my primary fandom followed by Transformers and Star Wars. Anyone else out there interested in the series? How about into paleontology and dinosaurs itself? I was working on my bachelor's degree when I had a mental breakdown and got diagnosed with my illness while I was trying to study Geology and work on my degree. Since then I've come to the conclusion since my illness will last with me for the rest of my life I'm not going to be able to do it. I however do enjoy still following the news and reading about the science itself. Outside of the paleontology I work on like wiki project for Jurassic Park/World series called Jurassic-Pedia. It's basically cataloging the canon of the series for people curious. I try to keep it head canon free. If there's idle speculation for the sake of discussion we warn it. I have at least 10 other people working with me on it. I disappear for moments at a time because I am busy working on 'Pedia or variant my fandom for my mental health so nothing gets too stagnant for me.

I would love to discuss what everybody thought of Fallen Kingdom, I've seen it twice so far and I gotta say I love it as much as I love The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Practically they're both on the same level for me if I had to rank them. Anybody else like it? Anybody else dislike? Anybody else want to talk about it all?

Re: Jurassic Park/World and Dinosaurs Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:47 am
by shajaki
I didn't really like FK. And I feel it'll go the way of TLJ, and I'll see all the flaws upon second viewing.

It was like, JP2 Lost World + Resident Evil 1.

Starts off the same as Lost World, then you end up in a mansion, with an evil corporation, creating and letting loose monsters.

It also suffered a lot from Bayformer syndrome: too much emphasis on humans.

Re: Jurassic Park/World and Dinosaurs Thread

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 11:32 am
by -Soundwave-
I do enjoy this series a lot, I was fortunate enough to have gone to see the first JP 6 times in theaters.

I've had several of the games, comics, and right now been playing Jurassic World: Evolution on PS4.

Re: Jurassic Park/World and Dinosaurs Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 11:51 am
by Amelie
My GF is pretty obsessed with Dinosaurs. She's going to start studying to take Paleontology at University soon, too.

Our room already has fossils, seashells, mineral rocks and dinosaur toys dotted around. Naturally Grimlock is hiding in there, too

Re: Jurassic Park/World and Dinosaurs Thread

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:26 pm
by Rodimus Prime
I have only a general interest in dinosaurs, it's part of my curiosity about prehistoric Earth in general. I do like the Jurassic Park movies, with the 3rd being my favorite. I know I'm in the minority with that, but Sam Neill's character is my favorite, and IMO that movie had the best pacing as well. Fallen Kingdom was pretty good, most people compare it to Lost World, but I think it was better. I'm looking forward to the next film.

For me, the series ranks like this so far:

Jurassic Park III
Jurassic World
Jurassic Park
Fallen Kingdom
The Lost World