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Anyone here a Digital Artist?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 7:24 pm
by Chibi Starscream
So, I used to draw a lot on paper, and I recently bought my first digital drawing tablet, a Turcom TS-6610. I'm having trouble finding free drawing software, and I'm tempted to download multiple programs to see which work better. Can anyone recommend to me a free drawing software, or even an inexpensive drawing software for my tablet? Like I said....I'm just starting off on the whole "digital" art this'll take some time getting used to, but the reason I bought a tablet this is for the familiarity of using a pencil/pen to draw and having the sensitivity to pressure like these tablets do....for a more natural drawing experience, versus the mouse, which I suck at. Right now I'm in the middle of downloading Krita.

downloaded Krita and played with it until I made a doodle I liked. This program is what am I doing hard. I might need something simpler....or maybe I just need to watch tutorials....but yah. Still, anyone got experience and or suggestions, please post!


doodle critter. Points if you know what this is.

Re: Anyone here a Digital Artist?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:02 am
by Wingz
I'm afraid I'm not, though I've often wanted to learn how to digitally color art. Sorry I'm not much help :( There are a lot of good artists in the Transtopia forums, but I'm not sure which programs they use. One of them might be more knowledgeable regarding different software, though. ;)^

Re: Anyone here a Digital Artist?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 3:57 am
by Chibi Starscream
Wingz wrote:I'm afraid I'm not, though I've often wanted to learn how to digitally color art. Sorry I'm not much help :( There are a lot of good artists in the Transtopia forums, but I'm not sure which programs they use. One of them might be more knowledgeable regarding different software, though. ;)^

Thank you Wingz. I'll keep on trying and keep on practicing. Surely I'll improve right? It doesn't look that much different from on paper, cept Im sure I was using a paintbrush and the lines were too thick.

Re: Anyone here a Digital Artist?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:10 pm
by Wingz
I used to do a lot of pencil sketches. To some degree I still do, but I'm definitely not the best. It comes down to practice. Have you thought about posting some of your art in the Transtopia forums? It's fun to see what people come up with :D

Re: Anyone here a Digital Artist?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:12 pm
by Chibi Starscream
Wingz wrote:I used to do a lot of pencil sketches. To some degree I still do, but I'm definitely not the best. It comes down to practice. Have you thought about posting some of your art in the Transtopia forums? It's fun to see what people come up with :D

Maybe when/if I can draw some Transformers.

Re: Anyone here a Digital Artist?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 4:29 pm
by ExciKaiser
I'm not sure if I qualifies as digital artist, but I earn ~350$ / month on patreon, so I suppose it grants me permisison me to give some advices.

Drawing on talet is complicated. Especially on a classic one. (deported/without screen).

I used to work on Cintiq and now I moved on Surface Pro, both which allows to draw directly on screen, and I still don't do it.
I still draw on paper first, then scan and ink using the computer. Sometimes I even ink on paper and vectorize the lines after scanning.

You should start like this. when you get accustomed with coloring/inking on the tablet, you'll be more confident to start drawing directly with it.