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The Great YouTube Subs Challenge

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:35 pm
by GotBot
Asking fellow fans for help - Something I never do! In light of recent necessary policy changes, I am seeking support for my YouTube channel. I am not asking for money, time or really any effort. I am asking that if you enjoy my content, ever have, if you have found me informative, helpful or entertaining, if we have ever talked, whether we agree or disagree, if you have seen my reviews, countdowns or stop motions, especially Universal Collision, to please consider SUBSCRIBING at this crucial time. I will keep working to improve and welcome your ideas for anything you would like to see. I am pushing for a thousand subs. This is the great sub challenge over the next month. In thanks and celebration of that milestone, I may plan something a little special. Please consider helping the cause if what I produce interests you -

Re: The Great YouTube Subs Challenge

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:49 pm
by Burn
GotBot wrote:In light of recent necessary policy changes

So what are they and how do they affect you?
(Asking because I am curious and genuinely don't know)

Re: The Great YouTube Subs Challenge

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:02 pm
by GotBot
Fair question. It has been in the news a lot lately and I don't really blame the measures being taken. They make perfect sense. The basics relate to tighter regulations for having ads based on a mix of both watch time and subscribers. That's not my concern though really, that stuff comes with natural growth. My concern lies in associated creator tools that partners have, things like end cards to link to stuff and, more importantly, the ability to put up videos longer than ten minutes. While I could divide up a review, such a limit can really break the mojo when doing something like a countdown or a stop motion episode.

Re: The Great YouTube Subs Challenge

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:23 pm
by Burn
... yep, I'm even more confused now. :lol:

Re: The Great YouTube Subs Challenge

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 8:22 pm
by GotBot
lol, maybe I explained it poorly. Let me try to clarify it better for you. Of course, this has been all over the news lately and the source of many articles. It used to be that anyone could be a creator and upload ten minute videos. Anyone could also be a YouTube partner. This gave additional features for people to use, besides for the obvious ability to place ads, These creator features included things like extended video lengths beyond ten minutes, as one example. After several issues, and a lot of learning, it was determined that monetization, and it's associated features needed to be tightened, 10 000 views was the new threshold that had to be reached. Still there were issues, so now tighter constraints are again being implemented, justifiably so in my opinion. Now one needs a specific annual watch time of at least 4000 hours and 1000 subs. If those criteria are not both met then a channel cannot be a partner. You need both, having only one or the other will not suffice. This is neither here nor there, but it also means the loss of other creator benefits, like the ability to upload longer content. I have never been one to encourage or ask for much, but I personally found myself in a situation where I have more than the necessary views but am still short subs. Maybe it is my own doing since I don't much ask for them and didn't care about them as I was getting decent views and traffic anyway. I was probably too lax lol.

Re: The Great YouTube Subs Challenge

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:08 pm
by Burn
Now that makes more sense!

I've never looked into the uploading side of YouTube (aside from that one video of my partner and I performing the theme from Hogans Heroes on Trumpet), I'm one of those who just watches videos, and even then it's mainly for movie trailers and a weird bloke from New Zealand who talks about brass instruments.

But yeah, I see where you're coming from. So give him a hand guys, he's a regular contributor on the forums.

Re: The Great YouTube Subs Challenge

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:19 pm
by Wingz
To be honest, I didn't know your channel existed. I don't roam YouTube all. Nice collection! May need to check out some of the stop motion videos sometime :lol: You seem to have put a lot of work into this!

Re: The Great YouTube Subs Challenge

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 4:39 am
by GotBot
There is a lot of behind the scenes stuff that can be really important to creators. And I'm not shocked if some folks didn't know me, I have always just posted and shared but never really pushed myself. Truth is, I want and hope folks enjoy my content and kinda grow with me as I improve my skills myself. I have come a long way from my early work but still have a ways to go. Always seek to be better, I say. And if folks don't dig what I do, suggest ways to improve or suggest things they might like to see then I try to keep that stuff in mind and actually interact with the community, after all we are all fans.