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Check out James Lunddon home town actor on blueray DVD Transformers

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:59 pm
by James_Lunddon
You can check me out in T4 at 1:03:55 and at the shack waiving in the autobots. At 1:04:20 walking to the shack. 1:04:22 checking the car in front of bumblebee. 1:04:37 checking the car in front or bumblebee still. 1:04:46 clearly standing next to Pete kelly as Bumblebee pulls up to the guard shack. 1:05:01 with my hand on my gun conducting a felony stop and walking around bumblebee as Pete Kelly scans for ID from the driver (Jack Reynor). All on the blueray DVD or T4! Home town actor makes it in the business.