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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 4:51 pm
by jimsloth
As I said before, I too would love to help. I'm on here at least an hour a day anyways, why not put it to good use. Even if you just need someone to go through the forums and delete the spambot threads. I used to know HTML pritty well, so some of it has stuck, and other stuff I can look up. As far as the galleries by artist goes, isn't that already on the main page under "Artist Index"? are you just wanting that to be switched in the pecking order so it is the main method of looking at work?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:46 pm
by Ramrider
Wow. I'd not checked the Website area of the forum for a little while - after all, it's basically just been updates on the spambots lately. When I do, I find this bombshell!

I've read through the whole thread... several times I was close to tears, seriously. It's rare that one finds a forum with such a sense of community, where the members feel close enough to one another that they feel they can let their emotions come pouring out. Says a lot about Transtopia, doesn't it? Which is why I was gutted when I read that the site may be closing down.

I must admit, I've had it pretty easy myself; barring my recent financial issues (both myself and my girlfriend have been unemployed for well over six months, and seriously had to consider moving back in with our respective families), I think on the whole I've been lucky.

But I digress. The point is, Transtopia means a lot to me - it's the first place I go when I log on, and the last place I check before I sign out. And it clearly means a lot to everyone else here too.
So you can obviously imagine my relief to reach the end of the thread to discover that it's not closing down after all.

It's sad that TFM and Pepie can no longer devote the necessary time to running the site, but I'm glad that in both cases it's for such positive reasons.

I don't know yet what's to be involved in keeping the place ship-shape. I'm no mega-computer buff, but I have a grounding in HTML and design, among other things. And since Transtopia's given me so much over the last few years, I want to put something back. Anything I can do to help?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:24 am
by No One

if needed send the pics to me and they will forever stay on Teletraan-1.Com once my brother finishes drawing the site for me.

It's up now but is going to look like Teletraan-1 when complete.

Man this is awful news indeed.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:49 am
by TM doomtron
to anyone who remembers my first customs the pics were huge im not really a computer guy but if i can help let me know i also live here. good luck pepie till all are one :D

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:22 am
by supreme-judge
I feel i need to help to..
I never posted much but i love to read all te posts!

I have HTML and PHP skills so if you need me let it know!

Good luck!!

I really wish this site stays open

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 10:36 am
by ptitvite

I know I don't post much but I really want to say that I love this site and even if I don't post, I'm here every single day that I can to watch the forums and kb's people make. The second site I look at is livedoor but I can't read japanese so I can only look at pics... I only look at 2 TF sites in a regular basis and you are one of them. You guys are doing a great job and for what it's worth, you guys are number 1! I can't wait to show you my almost finished kb of G1 Devastator who was almost finished a while ago but after getting comments from guys like TFmaster, Viagra-Prime and RavageX-9, I decided to make major improvments. Project is near finished...have to say it will be outstanding.
My GF will give birth to a little girl in 2 weeks aprox. so I can't commit to anything else for now but eventually if I can be of any help, I would be glad to.
'til all are one! :D

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:37 pm
by tentagil
I'm here for a few hours on and off over the course of almost everyday. So if your in need of a moderator or something to kill off these damn spammers that keep popping off I'd be willing to help. I'd also be willing to give a hand in the gallery area of things if Dev needs the help there. Not much of a coder, and my knowledge of PHP is somewhat limited but I'll help all I can.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 3:45 pm
by Darth Zax
tentagil wrote:I'm here for a few hours on and off over the course of almost everyday. So if your in need of a moderator or something to kill off these damn spammers that keep popping off I'd be willing to help. I'd also be willing to give a hand in the gallery area of things if Dev needs the help there. Not much of a coder, and my knowledge of PHP is somewhat limited but I'll help all I can.

what he said.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:44 am
by Pepie
this threads brought tears in my eyes, seriously !

Thanks everybody for understanding. Posting my complete and personal email to TFM in public was afterwards the best what could be done.
For my part, anyway.

Sorry for all the fuss and all for the past weeks, I too had to settle down with the idea of dropping my commitment to transtopia.. which felt hard like anyone could imagine.

I allways adored TFM's creations, mosty found his pics over at
Just look at this mans talent, its just unbelievable. At that time I was too afraid to even point a screwdriver at one bot so to speak.. and this guy just made his own.. ah well there where more in that time with fame tho.. but not with the skill imo as TFM's.

Once he got his own domain as a present from his wife I visited that site each and every day and hope to see some progress of his current projects.
Yet the site was flawed and messy so I dropped him a line and we chatted around with ideas.. (mind: we never spoke to each one before k), I knew his work and who the hell was I ?
Anyhoo, Transtopia launched with a lot off fuss, we put on the forum to pull in a community and things started rolling.

The board grew with the amount of visits and customs, each month.
Regular members popped up each day and became to know each other more and more, not only related to our common hobby.

transtopia 1.0 was good, but has some mayor flaw, it took too many time to make a gallery and it ate too many bandwith.
Version 2 was under contruction and came live allmost half a year after we opened and we're still using it.

Between then and now a lot has been happened to all of your lives and myselfs, progress in life.. or for the worse.. life is allways on a roll.. left to right.. back and forth.

My life has changed dramatically last year, I got some serious issues and couldnt got to work anymore. From there it went down. Lost my house, money and eventually my fiancee.
Reading across this outlets of some of you I cant say Ive had it bad.. some of you have had a tough life as long as they remember yet they still fight and live. I truly respect that.

I kinda did that too, yet my probs wherent as high as yours. Moved in with my parents again, took my time and found a new adoring woman.
Last issue was my job, which was solved a long month ago.
I can truly say I am gratefull with everything what happened, yet like I allready said it has its issues.. and that is free time for TT.

Thats when I had to pull the plug. Im still here, will pop up every now and then but cant contribute to whatever time straining things.
For that i apologize to each of you and in special to TFmaster and, my friend who Ive never met yet close to my heart.
Not thanking devastator and Jaf for all their involvement and good things is like an insult, both of you are awesome people.

What i do now is devastator wants to take over my candle and I know he can do it, he will learn and get your help. Yes, you.. the community who has grown to each other right here.
You guys are great, yes there are certain retards in here (j/k) as well as dead serious people. Einsteins of plastic, in any case. I salute you all.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:10 am
by Remcoow
Ramrider wrote:Wow. I'd not checked the Website area of the forum for a little while - after all, it's basically just been updates on the spambots lately. When I do, I find this bombshell!

That about the same thing I tought.
Dont know what to say about this.... just think its brave for some of you to pour out your hearts like this. I wish the best for you all.

For all of you, focus on your own well being and your lives. The other thing is just wasting money on plastic and wasting time online. Have fun and realise whats most important to you.

Dev, lots of succes, I suppose there will be enough people who are wanting to support.


PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:14 am
by Darth Zax
great to hear from you. hope all goes well!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:27 am
by Lord_Loqi
Same here Pepie, Everything will turn around soon enough I'm sure. Good to here you got a new girl, helps fill all the free time

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:38 am
by supreme-judge
indeed great to hear from you Pepie!!
Without you Transtopia would never exist!!
You salut to us, But I salut to you!

* Now i got tears to... *

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 12:05 pm
by piranacon
10 cheers for pepie !!!

welli hope you do come to visit , take care pep

any chance of a perminent tribute on the main site

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 12:31 pm
by Maximal Prime
Congratulations on all the positive changes in your life Pepie. I know how crazy things can get, and hopefully life will settle down a bit one day and a little more freetime can return. Until then: Enjoy life! You only get out of life what you put into it, so don't hold back. As a relative newbie to this site, I for one will miss your kind words of encouragement and guidance. You were the first person on this site to welcome me in and make me feel at home.

You will be missed. :(

Long Live Pepie!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:41 pm
by TM Devastator
Pepie, you wizard of website codes, you will be sorely missed. I don't know you as well as some of the visitors here, but I will truely miss you. You'll always have a chair here, so if you ever have something that you want to contribute in the future, just give us a yell!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 3:19 am
by Pepie
thanks :D

PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 8:25 pm
by Hobbyist Prime
I was just wondering, If the time comes when everything shuts down(knock on wood that it doesn't) will we be able to get a few days notice? I am just wondering as there are many many helpfull posts on the site that I would like to get onto a disk for future reference but don't exactly have the time to do it unless it were absolutely necessary.