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Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:24 am
by Blastback
Ironhidensh wrote:Granted, it's been years since I read civil war, but I remember it slightly differently. The heroes o my had to register if they wanted to still be heroes. If you didn't want to register, it was fine, just hang up the cape. I remember Justice and Firestar quit rather than register. Ironman and co were hunting down those who refused to register, by kept playing the hero.

I remember being hilariously shocked that people who were typically big proponents of gun control were so against superhuman registration.

BIG part of it had to do with the tie ins. Miller wanted you to initially support Cap, then change your mind and decide Iron Man was right.

Other writers, for variors reasons, decided that Cap was the hero of the story and set about having Iron Man take unethical actions which pretty much secured him as the villian of the whole piece when all was said and done.

Ad to that Tony's side being the one to kill another hero, and Maria Hill trying to arrest Cap for refusing to enforce a law that hadn't been passed yet...

Whole story could have been done much better.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 2:46 pm
by Burn

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:03 pm
by Ironhidensh
Interesting. Now pardon me while I go change my pants.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:12 pm
by Rodimus Prime
Ultron is cool and all, but I really want to see that fight between Hulk and Stark.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:20 pm
by Madeus Prime
Whoa. Just, whoa.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:00 pm
by Blastback

We're not worthy!

Can't wait to see how they handle the Vision.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:32 pm
by Editor
Blastback wrote:Can't wait to see how they handle the Vision.

After being at fault for the creation of the Ultron program, but knowing enough of how Ultron is upgrading and transferring bodies, Tony will end up n a situation where he has to double-down to level the playing field or make the situation 10 times worse, so he uploads J.A.R.V.I.S. into an unused or rejected Ultron body.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:42 pm
by Ironhidensh
Editor wrote:
Blastback wrote:Can't wait to see how they handle the Vision.

After being at fault for the creation of the Ultron program, but knowing enough of how Ultron is upgrading and transferring bodies, Tony will end up n a situation where he has to double-down to level the playing field or make the situation 10 times worse, so he uploads J.A.R.V.I.S. into an unused or rejected Ultron body.

I thought I heard a interview a while back, where it was said that the vision wouldn't be a copy of Jarvis.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 2:10 pm
by Editor
Ironhidensh wrote:I thought I heard a interview a while back, where it was said that the vision wouldn't be a copy of Jarvis.

It wouldn't be a copy if Tony uploads the actual program, rather than a back-up or cut/paste.

That said, it wouldn't be the first time a studio has said something like this so we hopefully look in other directions.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:34 pm
by ZeroWolf
I think they confirmed that the vision is built by ultron as thor is set to rip loose on in

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:03 pm
by LegendaryAntiHero
I can't wait for May to come so I can see AoU

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:56 pm
by Madeus Prime
I have a theory on the whole Vision/Jarvis thing. I think Ultron, upon breaking out of the Avengers tower (we see that in one of the trailers), downloads and corrupts Jarvis into a sort of lieutenant figure. Tony won't have his computer to aid him in fighting or analyzing. Later we know the Vision joins the Avengers obviously, so, what if there is a fight between Iron Man and the Vision where Tony effectively has to try to sacrifice himself to get Jarvis to turn back.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:10 am
by Burn
I know a lot of people are excited over the Hulkbuster armour. What if Tony's not actually in control of it?

And a lot of people think because it's Joss Whedon directing and he likes to kill characters, a character is going to die.

Obviously it won't be Captain America, Thor or Iron Man as they have scheduled future movies. The big odds are on Banner (which would **** me incredibly because they CAN pull off a Hulk movie) but what do people think of someone else croaking?

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:24 am
by Madeus Prime
Burn wrote:Obviously it won't be Captain America, Thor or Iron Man as they have scheduled future movies. The big odds are on Banner (which would **** me incredibly because they CAN pull off a Hulk movie) but what do people think of someone else croaking?

TBH I'm wondering if it's going to be Black Widow, Hawkeye, Falcon, or the Twins.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:33 am
by Burn
I'd go with Rhodey.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:05 am
by Dead Metal
Burn wrote:I know a lot of people are excited over the Hulkbuster armour. What if Tony's not actually in control of it?

I've been thinking that too, especially after seeing the latest trailer. Tony and Bruce are talking about Tony's mistake of creating Ultron, and Tony does look incredibly guilty looking at Bruce in those scenes.
And a lot of people think because it's Joss Whedon directing and he likes to kill characters, a character is going to die.

Obviously it won't be Captain America, Thor or Iron Man as they have scheduled future movies. The big odds are on Banner (which would **** me incredibly because they CAN pull off a Hulk movie) but what do people think of someone else croaking?

Personally, I don't want anyone to die, especially Banner. They finally have a brilliant Hulk and are able to make a good Hulk movie plus the interest is there for one. Then again, the last few times they've been asked about a Hulk solo movie, they did basically say that they have no plans past Avengers 2.

But if they do kill someone, my money is on Hawkeye. Hawkeye is in a similar position as Agent Coulson was, he's not really important, just noticeable enough to get a reaction out of the characters and the audience should he die.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:43 am
by ZeroWolf
I would put money on hawkeye, cap is likely to get in captain America 3, given that Chris Evans contract is almost up. Perfect time to give bucky the shield.

The twins won't die as they join the avengers.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:46 am
by sto_vo_kor_2000
ZeroWolf wrote:I would put money on hawkeye, cap is likely to get in captain America 3, given that Chris Evans contract is almost up. Perfect time to give bucky the shield.

The twins won't die as they join the avengers.

Im guessing the death will be from the Stark camp.

Tony,Pepper or Rhody

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 2:51 am
by ZeroWolf
Tony won't die as he's set for cap 3 as well. Forgot pepper though, she would be a good target

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:05 am
by Rodimus Prime
Burn wrote:I know a lot of people are excited over the Hulkbuster armour. What if Tony's not actually in control of it?

And a lot of people think because it's Joss Whedon directing and he likes to kill characters, a character is going to die.

Obviously it won't be Captain America, Thor or Iron Man as they have scheduled future movies. The big odds are on Banner
What about killing those 3 birds with 1 stone? If someone else controls the Hulkbuster (Ultron, Jarvis, whoever) and uses it to kill Banner after fighting and defeating Hulk? Honestly, I also don't think it will be Hulk, as he's too big a character. But Hawkeye or Widow? Absolutely. Or even 1 of the more peripheral characters, like Pepper or Rhodey. However, if it was someone else in the armor, would the arc reactor still be in the chest, as it is in the trailer?

And will Loki pop in for a cameo? We know he swindled Thor in Dark World.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:19 am
by Burn
Rodimus Prime wrote:And will Loki pop in for a cameo? We know he swindled Thor in Dark World.

IMDB have Tom Hiddelston listed, take that for what you will. If he pops up, I doubt it will be a major part.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:28 am
by ZeroWolf
From interviews with Chris Hemsworth, apparently thor realises something is happening in the bigger picture then ultron. So loki could appear there.

Most likely bet is that loki may appear to taunt thor while he's been affected by scarlet witchs power

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:33 am
by Burn
Jeremy Renner confirmed for Civil War, Scarlett Johansson and Anthony Mackie were already confirmed which leave just two.

Rhodey or Banner.

If Whedon stays to form that is.

Killing Rhodey would be more of a catalyst for Stark to take action which leads to Civil War.

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:40 am
by Rodimus Prime
Burn wrote:Killing Rhodey would be more of a catalyst for Stark to take action which leads to Civil War.
Makes sense. But is Don Cheadle listed for Age of Ultron? Or will it be someone else playing him?

Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:48 am
by Burn
Cheadle's listed.

I won't miss him.